Sunday 12 March 2017

My Role Model

A person who serves as an example of the values, attitudes, and behaviours associated with a role. For example, an actor or a great national leader. Role models can also be persons who distinguish themselves in such a way that others admire and want to emulate them. But for me the role model is the one who supports you  and inspires you and also understands you more than anyone else; he is none other than my dad. When I was a kid, I always thought that he is the superhero and there is nothing that he cannot achieve or do.

I have lot of things to say concealed deep into my heart to my role model. Firstly I want to thank you for everything you've taught me. The value of hard work and perseverance. I m so blessed that you cultivated "the never give up"attitude in me which has continued to help me succeed in my life.There were times I didn't understand why you gave me hard times but now I realise its not easy being a father. You are right more often than I admitted.
Secondly, I want to appreciate the sense of love and care for humanity you instilled in me. I must confess that as a child I always judged you for being reluctant but now I know why you were so.

Thirdly, I am glad that you  taught me the importance of having a sense of humour, even in the toughest moments of life.  I still recall afresh that when things would go terrible but you'd  have a joke ready and my tears would reluctantly turn into a teary smile and than uncontrollable laugh.Probably one of the best legacies I acquired is how to make  people around me smile.

Finally, I want to tell you that I  would have always been there for you. I know you have been afraid thatI might be too busy with my own life to care for you, but that would never have happen. With every success I have had in my life each stepping stone is laid by you.
I hope you are resting in peace in the abode of clouds. I didn't mean to disturb you but I wanted to ensure that you know I still adore you and tell you that you are my only hero. It is unfortunate that today my rolling tears do not have your corny joke to turn them into teary smile.       

What the Ghasi Said?

When Bhanubhakta was passing by in the nearby village in Tanahu, he came across a Ghasi ( a person who earns his livelihood by selling grass meant for the domesticated animals)

In due course of time their acquintance turn to  friendship. Ghasi was a poor man, who worked whole day to earn a square meal for him and his family. He was  poor and downtrodden whereas Bhanubhakta was from a well to do family. 

One fine day, Bhanubhakta found him digging by the roadside early morning when Bhanubhakta was on a morning stroll. Bhanubhakta asked him why he is wasting his time in digging when he finds it difficult to make his both ends meet. The Ghasi replied, the life comes only once, we will be dead tomorrow and I want people to remember me even after I am gone. So I am digging this well as there is dearth of water in the area and the people have to fetch water from a long distance. The people from the nearby villages also pass by thirsty and exhausted. So I want to serve the people  and at the same time stay alive even after I am dead in the heart of the people. 

The Ghasi's word  and his desire to do something good to the people and stay eternal tickled Bhanubhakta's neuron. On his way home he thought for several days and decided that some one as poor as Ghasi can do something then why can't he. Ghasi became the source of inspiration for him and finally decided to use his knowledge of Sanskrit to do something and ended up translating Ramayana from Sanskrit to Nepali. Bhanubhakta, is off course a great poet, but Ghasi's role in inspiring him to do this work can never be ignored. Nepali translation of Ramayana is considered to be the initial phase of development of Nepali Language and is the first major work in Nepali Literature.

This is what Bhanubhakta has to say about  the Ghasi.

"भर जन्म घाँसतिर मन दिई धन कमायोनाम क्यै रहोस पछि भनेर कुवा खनायोघाँसी दरिद्र घरको तर बुद्धी कस्तोम भानुभक्त धनी भैकन आज यस्तोमेरा इनार न त सत्तल पाटी क्यै छन्जे धन र चीजहरू छन् घरभित्रनै छन्तेस घाँसीले कसरी आज दिएछ अर्तिधिक्कर हो मकन बस्नु न राखि किर्ती"

All his life he earns his little living cutting the grass.
And constructs a well for his name even after his vitality pass.
Indigent grass cutter but how high thinking is this.
Being Bhanubhakta but why did i myself did miss.
I have neither have wells nor rest houses, every riches i have is only within my house.
The grass cutter has opened my eyes today.
Worthless is the life whose memories of existence just fades away.

Great work is not just the outcome of ability, inspiration plays an equal role too.